The social structure and organization of Iteso is defined by clans. The iteso was traditionally divided into age groups with each age group in charge of particular responsibilities, this system promoted intergenerational cooperation and harmony. These are Nilotic ethnic group of people. The population is estimated to be 2,364,569 in Uganda, 417,670 in Kenya.
According to the historical records available, there are 9. major clans of Iteso and these include the following:
Iteso people are largely from these clans below;
- Irarak
- Ikuruka
- Ikaruwok
- Ikatekok
- Igoria
- Inomu
- Ikomolo
- Iworopom
Clans are a network of families who trace their ancestry to a particular place or individual. The clan is the next unit of cultural identity after the family and the second largest unit under an ethnic nationality. Clans are central to social and cultural harmony as well as national development as they tend to settle land and family disputes before they ever get to the legal system.
There are however others that emerged from the above and it is also noted that some newer clans have also emerged and Iteso Cultural Union (ICU) is still verifying the authenticity of their historical account. To date we have 1556 clans registered (add link to the list of clans)
This is a 1st generation- they moved out of Abyssinia they were called Irarak (the gatherers) and can be traced back to Ojurata (Olelem) who was their leader , man of short stature and big head who eluded capture by several warlords.
Ojurata trained his people to raise up their children in the tradition of his people, the women were known to be exceptionally good in fishing and transfer of knowledge to the children based on the principles established by him. other accounts call them Abyssinian traditions.
To date wherever Irarak exist, hunting, eating wild berries and telling stories of great hunters has not ceased!
The Ikuruka Clan were originally mainly farmers, this clan is said to have been organized by one called Okori it was the 2nd generation of Iteso who opted to domesticate goats and cattle as well ,transplant fruits they found in the wilderness to their homesteads , they were settled subsistence farmers who supplemented their vegetarian diet with hunting wild game, the Iteso foods such as Emalakany, ecadoi, eboo, emaido, akobokob, amukeke, emagira/edek, emuna, agaria ka aikiring na esudud etc can be traced to these great ancestors of Ikuruka clan, They are known to have long life span and well-built bodies.
Okori is said to have organized them in a loose ‘ajore’ (battalion) that would be easily mobilized for war and to farming during times of peace. Their generosity was remarkable and they were known to celebrate their harvests. It’s the Ikuruka clan that is attributed to perfecting food processing that led to the invention of the local millet beer known as ‘Ajon’, granaries, milk processing using ‘etuo’(gourds).
These generation felt secure from external aggression and were militarily equipped but consisted mainly women who had lost their husbands during wars with foreign invaders.This clan established strong relations with ikatekok clan who were known to be political leaders and inter-clan conflict arbitrators and gave to the rise of another sublan called Itekok-Ikuruka ..
Inyakoi are mainly nomadic pastoralists who were organised around the person of Oyangais(e). Their totem is ………………….. It’s the 3rd generation who took to the jungles of Nubia and Sudan to look for grass for livestock grazing.
They largely depended on cattle for their livelihood. Legend has it that the Inyakoi could converse with their livestock Their children were introduced to cattle rearing and techniques to defend livestock from wild animals at an early age.
These were 4th generation wave of Iteso who were talented at crafts. Their leader Otikiri was known to be an expert architect and engineering.
Otikiri would later transform his entire clan into builders and crafts men and painters, Ngero Rock paintings is attributed to his descendants, the aditai, stools, slings and bead-neck decoration for women is attributed to his genius.
Their women were particularly known for thatching houses well.
These were fifth generation of Iteso who left Northern Africa, they were mainly spiritual people whom knowledge of the future rested upon. They were gifted with ability to foretell outcomes of battles, the coming and ending of droughts. Their leader was known as Ariong’a, a man gifted with immense spiritual powers and ability to predict the future.
These were considered the men who walked with the creator, they would pronounce curses on enemies, bless troops on their way to combat, troups were barred from raping, killing women and children during combat, they had prohibition against adultery, telling lies and disrespect of the elders, they were the spiritual light of Iteso. Whenever a mother gave birth to twins she was styled toto idwe (mother of many).
They would perform special ceremonies to welcome the twins and wade off bad spirits that are associated with twins, special type of drum was drummed and the people would gather and dance their best. They would over special prayers and others to pray for rain in the event of long drought and their creator would answer with power rainfall after the rituals.
Teso\'s largest clan, the Ikaribwok are known as the battle-hardened warriors or fighters. These constituted the military wing of Iteso, they were hardened combatants in whose hands the security of both life and property depended. A clan represents a group of people who can trace their lineage to a common ancestor in some distant past. Legend has it that they would celebrate their military gains, their names signifies “those who have conquered others over the years” though in most cases they are erroneously pronounced as “ikarubwok” Source: :Iteso Clans Directory – Atekerin Nuka Iteso (First Edition – 14th February 2017)
The clan derives its name form the word ‘aitikokin” which means These would primarily carry the role of arbitrators between families and clans, it’s in them that disputes regarding grazing land , water, food, war loot, care of orphans, widows and discipline of those who deviate from cultural norms would rest, they would mediate between strangers and whole clans, they were the custodians of the history of the clan and constitute the knowledge transfer clan, they were largely team leaders who would provide direction on matters of unity and progress of the clan.
Notable ones include Asonya, Arionga and Malinga. they are good at mediating conflicts between people, families and clans over land, waters, pasture, etc and administration.
This is the medicinal clan – ‘Inomu’ people are known to be able to mend broken bones, and were able to treat wounded fighters. Inomu are believed to be the custodians of the art and science of human medicine.
The future of the elderly depended on this clan for they interacted with mother nature to find solutions to the health of the entire society. They performed all types of medical procedures that were aimed at management of diseases..
The Ikomolo Clan were known to be products of intermarrying between Iteso and Luo ethnic nationalities. Names like Akol is common in the Dinka, Luo and Iteso, Ochan, Uchalla for Luo in Western Bhar Elghazal and Ocholla for Iteso, Ukello for South Sudan Luo and Okello for Iteso and Ugandan Luo etc.