Tororo Cement Donation
The Iteso Cultural Union has received a significant contribution from Tororo Cement, delivered today at…
In the heart of the Zulu Kingdom
In the heart of the Zulu Kingdom, today 11 September 2024 Papa Emorimor Paul Sande…
ICU Prime Minister Pledges to Collaborate with UAC to eliminate HIV and AIDS
The newly appointed Prime Minister of the Iteso Cultural Union (ICU), Ocole Andrew, has pledged…
Emorimor Papa Iteso Makes a Mini Reshuffle.
The Emorimor Papa Iteso, HRH. Paul Sande Etomeileng Emolot on 21 July 2024 jolted his…
Ikolo sek, akaulo na esiarakina Lokasuban isuban kere omaanikor, apotu isuban isiarakinos adumunun aboisio nu…
Acobeu Inotai
Ageun ageunet, araasi Inotai itiaŋ lu edicaasi noi. Mam teni lu atiakasi. Ne idumakini ijo…
Ajakanut Eŋatuny
Ageun asonya, edicanara Iŋatunyo ka Etuŋanane omanikor alo Alkebu-Ian(Africa). Iyalamasi ikesakwi adepar aisolen nu ejaasi…
Einos Ikosogwana
Ageun apeŋo, atapit Ikosogwana alosit idiopediopen. Akaulo na adaun ikaru luipu iswamasi ŋun, atapit kesi…